
Time for some fresh air!

We’re at the time of year when we start to see more and more coughing and wheezing horses.  There are of course viruses around, just like with us, that will cause horses and ponies to be unwell and to cough but frequently the situation is caused or worsened by dust.  In fact some horses won’t cough too much when they are reacting to dust but their respiratory rate and, most importantly, effort will go up.  This can mean that they aren’t performing too their best and them struggling when they do fast work. ... Read on

Lifting the Lid on Supplements

Many of us feed our horses a whole host of powders, pastes and liquids in their feed to support their general health and well-being. There are also supplements on the market that enhance the function of different parts of their bodies. But do you know what they contain or how they work? We’ve chosen some key ingredients from the support products we stock at Coach House Vets to tell you about, so that you can make the right choice about what to give your horse. ... Read on

Come Rain or Shine!

As much as we’ve all been enjoying the recent tropical weather, the rain and cooler temperatures are inevitable. Unfortunately, this will bring some potential issues for our equine friends with it. This is mostly down to good old ‘Dr. Green’. Over the last few months the grass has been poor due to the heat and lack of rain but as soon as the rain comes there will be a ‘flush’ of grass. Especially as, for the next few months, the temperatures for the rest of summer and autumn will stay fairly warm. ... Read on